Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Make Your Cheeseburger Count

When I went to get my passport renewed last May, my brother wasn’t sure how he was going to pick me up so he told me to get something to eat. The Department of Foreign Affairs had a McDonald’s right across the street, so I decided that I might as well take the short walk there seeing that the building was closing and that I drained my PSP battery again.

I like McDonald’s, but not that much. I didn’t want to eat anything heavy since it was 5pm, so I decided to get a cheeseburger.

Only, the girl at the counter didn’t just give me a cheeseburger, she handed me something else.

mcdonald's campaign - make your cheeseburger count

It was a sticker for McDonald’s “Make Your Cheeseburger Count”. Every time a customer buys a cheeseburger at McDonald’s, 1 Peso is donated to a local charity known as “Bright Minds Read” through Ronald McDonald House Charity. Their goal? To reach one million pesos worth of donations.

I made my cheeseburger count! My sticker is the one on the lower-right corner of the photo. I hope you guys will too!


  1. and here i was hoping that they were giving away free cheeseburgers.

  2. Haha, I don't think so! I thought they actually were going to give free cheeseburgers to the charity, but from what I could remember, it's P1 for buying books or something..?
